Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Three Exciting Events!

There are three big things on the horizon for us here at Infinitely Possible:
* Tonight @ EcoTuesday, meet my apprentice
* May 4th, 7pm @ Viceroy's in Berekeley come talk about banking
* I'm going to be on the radio! May 20th @ 2:30pm!

Tonight I'm bringing my apprentice, Tom Howard, with me to EcoTuesday . It's turning into quite the event. In addition to the panel discussion, several of my clients have said they will be there and I'm bringing my exciting and talented apprentice with me.

Tom is studying to be a CPA and has vastly helped me get current and re-inspire me in my work. It's very exciting. Plus he's English so he's got that cool accent thing going on.

Come on out!

I will be hosting May's Bookkeeper's Roundtable with special guest Dale Marie Golden. Dale is the VP of Alta Alliance bank - the bank I'm curently most impressed with and is going to talk to us about banking and why her bank is doing well in this economy. Even if you're not a bookkeeper, you might want to check it out!

We'll meet Monday May 4th @ Viceroy's in Berekeley at 7pm.

One last note that I'll share more about soon is that I'm going to be on a radio show being hosted by one of my former clients Alice Moore of Emerge Healing (see Coffee Meditations). She's a nutritionist and her show is about what it really means to be healthy. So I'll be talking about financial health and well being. If there's a question that you'd like answered, let me know and I'll try to get it included! And I'll post the date when I know it.

EDIT: I have the date: May 20th @ 2:30pm and I'll let you know more details when I have 'em!

It's an exciting time to be doing money work and I hope that you'll join me at one of my upcoming events or inspired to invite me to one of yours!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Clock of the Long Now: Everyone Has a Perspective

In reading about the Clock of the Long Now I came across:

"My friends who get it all have ideas that focus on a particular aspect of the clock. My engineering friends worry about the power source: solar, water, nuclear, geothermal, diffusion, or tidal? My entrepreneurial friends muse about how to make it financially self-sustaining. My writer friend, Stewart Brand, starts thinking about the organization that will take care of the clock. It's a Rorschach test - of time. Peter Gabriel, the musician, thinks the clock should be alive, like a garden, counting the seasons with short-lived flowers, counting the years with sequoias and bristlecone pines. Artist Brian Eno felt it should have a name, so he gave it one: The Clock of the Long Now."

Money is very much like that: everyone has a perspective on it, but no one is sure how it works exactly. Money can be a thing of beauty and pleasure or of pain and anguish. It can be something to fuel a creative project or something that helps us survive. Maybe it's all of those things and maybe it's none of them.

What's your perspective?

P.S. This blog entry might be a ploy to get you to read the article; it's certainly a nudge to enhance thinking about perspective. And as always it's a portal to drop in and tell me what you think, even if you only do it on Facebook.


Monday, April 13, 2009

Tax Payer Advocacy

One of the many things that most people don't know about the IRS.

Taxpayer Advocate Service is an organization that that helps tax payers get help paying their back taxes, settle issues with the IRS and helps them get help with there is a financial hardship regarding those taxes.

From the site:
"Our mission in the Taxpayer Advocate Service reaches beyond individual cases and extends into the realm of Systemic Advocacy. The role of Systemic Advocacy is evident in the TAS mission statement: "As an independent organization within the IRS, we help taxpayers resolve problems within the IRS and recommend changes that will prevent the problems." This means we try to repair systemic flaws in the IRS and the tax code, which can cause trouble for taxpayers and IRS employees alike."

Interesting, isn't it?

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